Pray with Spurgeon: Make all our relationships holy

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Lord help the converted child to be correct in his relation to his parents; help the Christian father or mother to be right in dealing with children, “don’t stir up anger in your children” (Ephesians 6:4). Take away rebellion from the young; take away impatience from the old.

Lord help Christian men of business. May they act uprightly; may Christian masters never be hard to their servants, to their workpeople; and may Christian workpeople give to their masters that which is just and equal in the way of work in return for wage. May we as Christian men be always standing upon our rights, but always be willing each one to minister to the help of others.



“They inquired into what time or what circumstances the Spirit of Christ within them was indicating when he testified in advance to the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow.” (1 Peter 1:11)

How diligently you ought to search the Scriptures and listen to the saving word! If men that had the Holy Spirit and were called “seers,” nevertheless searched into the meaning of the word that they themselves spoke, what ought such poor things as we are to do in order to understand the gospel? It should be our delight to “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest” the doctrines of grace. Surely it must be a crime of crimes to be living in utter neglect of a salvation that gained the attentive mind of Daniel and Isaiah and Ezekiel.


Parents, teach your kids the Bible

Today, we prayed that God would help parents have a holy relationship with their kids. Parents, we have a sacred responsibility from God himself to teach our kids the Bible. Our kids need it more than anything.

But here’s the thing a lot of Christian parents don’t realize: You are better equipped than anyone to teach your kids the Bible.

To help you, I’ve been creating a series of family devotionals that cover every book of the Bible (not just the popular stories). These devotionals are interactive — but they don’t just distract kids with coloring sheets; they actually teach kids age-appropriate tools to interact with the text of Scripture itself.

Get started today with a free devotional, covering the Old Testament book of Micah.

Download a free family devotional right here.