We feel very feeble. Oh, make us strong in the Lord, in the power of his might. May we never let sin have any rest in us, may we chase it, drive it out, slay it, hang it on a tree, abhor it, and may we “cling to what is good” (Romans 12:9).
Some of us are trying, striving after some excellent virtue. Lord help strugglers; give those who contend against great difficulties greater grace, more faith, and so to bring them nearer to God. Lord we will be holy; by your grace we will never rest until we are. You have begun a good work in us and you will carry it on. You will work in us to will and to do of your own good pleasure.
“Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who prophesied about the grace that would come to you, searched and carefully investigated.” (1 Peter 1:10)
Salvation is altogether of grace—grace that comes from God in his mercy to man in his helplessness. The gospel does not come to you asking something of you, but its hands are laden with gifts more precious than gold, which it freely bestows upon guilty men. It comes to us, not as a reward for the obedient and deserving, but as a merciful boon for the disobedient and undeserving. It treats with us, not upon the ground of justice, but upon terms of pure mercy. It asks no price and exacts no purchase; it comes as a benefactor, not as a judge. In the gospel God gives liberally and does not upbraid.
Seeing How All of Scripture Points to Jesus
When we see Jesus for who he really is, in all of his beauty as the King of all Ages, we have to fall to our faces in worship. We must lay everything on the table in submission to this great king.
We always need resources that will magnify Christ to us — books that will remind us of how wonderful he is. One of those books is Christ from Beginning to End: How the Full Story of Scripture Reveals the Full Glory of Christby Stephen Wellum and Trent Hunter. This book walks through the story of Scripture, showing how Christ is the supreme hero and the supreme hope — he is what all of the Bible is pointing to.
This book is a helpful handbook to help you read Scripture in a more faithful, Christ-centered way and a guide to help you see Christ in every page.
This book will help you treasure Christ and the Bible more. I hope you’ll grab a copy for yourself.