Lord, we have yet another burden—it is that we ourselves do not love you as we should, that oftentimes we grow lukewarm and chill, and doubt creeps over us, and unbelief mars our confidence, and we sin and forget our God. O Lord, help us! Pardon is not enough, we want sanctification. We beseech you, let the weeds that grow in the seed plot of our soul be cut up by the roots.
We do want to serve you. We long that every thought we think, and word we say or write, should be all for you. We would lead consecrated lives; for we are persuaded that we only live as we live unto God, that aught else is but trifling. Oh, to be taken up as offerings wholly to be consumed upon the altar of the Lord, joyfully ascending to him in every outgoing of our life.
Thank you! Prayer for my girls.