Lord, hear the confessions of any that have backslidden, who are rather marring your image than perfecting it. Hear the prayers of any that are conscious of great defects during the past. Give them peace of mind by pardon, but give them strength of mind also to keep clear of such mischief in the future.
Oh Lord, we are sighing and crying more and more after yourself. The more we have of you, the more we want you; the more we grow like you; the more we perceive our defects, and the more we pine after a higher standard, to reach even unto perfection’s self.
“In addition, your servant is warned by them, and in keeping them there is an abundant reward.” (Psalm 19:11)
There is a wage, and a great one; though we earn no wages of debt, we win great wages of grace. Saints may be losers for a time, but they shall be glorious gainers in the long run, and even now a quiet conscience is in itself no slender reward for obedience. He who wears the herb called heart’s-ease in his bosom is truly blessed. However, the main reward is yet to come.
Finding peace in the Prince of Peace
We have no fear that God is not able to put to rest. We believe this in our heads, but sometimes this kind of bold faith can be difficult to apply and live out in the midst of our broken, sin-cursed, fallen world. We desperately need the Prince of Peace to come and redeem us, to make his blessing known as far as the curse is found.
Life in this fallen world is full of many things to be afraid of, but recognizing the good presence of Christ with us gives us the power to choose faith over fear.
That’s the message of Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves by Trillia Newbell. In this book, Newbell addresses a variety of common fears, and shows how the truth of God’s Word and the power of the gospel can help us overcome those fears with faith.
This book will encourage you, boost your confidence in God, and help you walk with faith every day. I hope you’ll grab a copy today and read it today.