Pray with Spurgeon: May sinners be humbled and find life

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Our first prayer is for others who as yet are in bondage. We thank you, Lord, that you have given them the spirit of bondage and made them to fear. We are glad that they should be brought to feel the evil of sin, to feel the perfection of your law, to know something of the fiery nature of your justice, and so to be shut up unto salvation by grace through faith. But, Lord, let them not tarry long under the teacher (the law), but may the schoolmaster with his rod bring them to Christ.

Lord, cure any of your chosen of self-righteousness; deliver them from any hope in their own abilities, but keep them low. Bring them out of any hope of salvation by their own prayers or their own repentance.



“He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was revealed in these last times for you.” (1 Peter 1:20)

The love of Jesus to us is no novelty; he was ordained to redeem us before worlds began. Let none of the trifles of earth charm us with their new pretensions. It was truly practical love that brought him to earth to be our suffering substitute. Let our love be practical too; not in word only, but in deed and in truth.


Trust the God who is able to keep you until the end

Today we prayed that God would preserve us, even as we suffer. As we pray for God to strengthen our faith, we can also fill our minds with his Word as a means to boost our faith.

A great book on growing your faith in God is Trusting God by Jerry Bridges. This book focuses on God’s sovereignty, his good control over all things, and shows that we really can trust God in any circumstance. This book is full of reasons to trust God and applies those reasons to the trials in our lives that make it particularly hard to trust God.

This book will strengthen your faith and confidence in our great God — I hope you’ll grab a copy today.

Buy Trusting God: