Speak, Lord, and if there is darkness, illuminate it with your Word. Address those who are slumbering and awaken them. Speak to those burdened with heavy hearts and bid them rejoice. Today, let us resound the resounding cymbals as we delight in the Lord, who is our strength and our song, “who has also become our salvation.”
Let us ascend to the lofty mountain today and rejoice in him who beckons us to climb higher and higher. May our dwelling be in the heights. Do you ask us, “Who can ascend to the hill of the Lord, and who shall dwell in His holy place?” We yearn to be of that company, drawing nearer to you. We desire to be as close to God as Jesus is, so near that we cannot be any closer.
“Let the peoples praise you, God; let all the peoples praise you.” (Psalm 67:3)
Cause them to own your goodness and thank you with all their hearts; let nations do this, and do it continually, being instructed in thy gracious way. May every man bring his music, every citizen his canticle, every peasant his praise, every prince his psalm. All are under obligations to you, to thank you will benefit all, and praise from all will greatly glorify you; therefore, O Lord, give all men the grace to adore your grace, the goodness to see your goodness.
Finding Scripture-saturated hope in the midst of doubt and suffering
For Christians, doubt is often associated with our own experiences of suffering. It is hard to believe in a good and powerful God when we feel so much pain in this broken world.
In the midst of suffering, it is easy to doubt God’s love for us and feel as if he has deserted us. An excellent book to help you find hope and faith through that kind of suffering is Deserted by God? by Sinclair Ferguson.
This book offers several reflections on the Psalms of lament in the Bible, where divinely-inspired authors cried out to God in the midst of their pain.
No matter what trials you are currently going through (or will go through in the future), Deserted by God? will give you the kind of Bible-saturated firm faith you need to endure. I hope you will grab a copy today.