Pray with Spurgeon: God, fill our day with joy in you

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O Father in heaven, remove from us all the weariness of the past week’s journey. Now, may we cleanse ourselves and approach your altar, O God. Deliver us from anything that obstructs and hinders the free movement of the revived spirit within us. May we run without growing weary, soar on wings like eagles, walk without fainting, and may this day be filled with great joys and supreme delights. And if it involves earnest effort and Christian labor, may it all be part of the delight. May we live for your pleasure, for we live for you.

Now, forgive us, accept us, revive us, and bless us. We ask all this in the name of the Beloved One.



“May God be gracious to us and bless us; may he make his face shine upon us” (Psalm 67:1)

It begins at the beginning with a cry for mercy. Forgiveness of sin is always the first link in the chain of mercies experienced by us. Mercy is a foundation attribute in our salvation. The best saints and the worst sinners may unite in this petition. It is addressed, to the God of mercy, by those who feel their need of mercy, and it implies the death of all legal hopes or claims of merit.

Next, the church begs for a blessing; “bless us”—a very comprehensive and far-reaching prayer. When we bless God we do but little for our blessings are but words, but when God blesses he enriches us indeed, for his blessings are gifts and deeds. But his blessing alone is not all his people crave, they desire a personal consciousness of his favor, and pray for a smile from his face. These three petitions include all that we need here or hereafter.



Tonight (midnight EST), registration prices for CROSS CON24 will increase. You don’t want to miss this conference, so register now to save.

At CROSS CON24, 18–25 year-olds will learn about what it really looks like to lay their lives down to serve Jesus. Speakers like David Platt, John Piper, Kevin DeYoung, Brooks Buser, Mark Dever, and more will help you understand God’s purposes in the world (and the unique part that YOU can play in his plan).

I am PUMPED about CROSS CON24, and I hope to see you there. You’ll be amazed at what God does in your life as you learn about his undefeated, undefeatable mission to spread his glory to all of the earth.

Prices increase TONIGHT, so register now to save.