Many of us have fled to Christ, and you have blotted out our sin. We praise you for full remission, freely and graciously given, never to be reversed; for you have said: “I will cast their iniquities into the depths of the sea.” What a joy is this! May your believing people be certain of it. May they know that there is “therefore now no condemnation for them who are in Christ Jesus.” May their souls rest and triumph in the perfect washing, and the perfect clothing, which Jesus’ blood and righteousness have given to us. And oh that others, who have never yet known your pardoning love, might come to you, and take it, and receive it.
“Others went to sea in ships, conducting trade on the vast water. They saw the LORD’s works, his wondrous works in the deep.” (Psalm 107:23–24)
Beyond the dwellers on the land they see the Lord’s greatest works, or at least such as stayers at home judge to be so when they hear the report thereof. Instead of the ocean proving to be a watery wilderness, it is full of God’s creatures, and if we were to attempt to escape from his presence by flying to the uttermost parts of it, we should only rush into the Lord’s arms, and find ourselves in the very center of his workshop.
God’s grace will grow you. Here’s a practical guide.
God’s plan for our lives is to make us more like himself — that we would live as his children instead of children of the devil. This is our goal, to know our Father and become more like him every day. And the reason we pray for this, is because we can’t grow in godliness without God’s help.
God didn’t just start your salvation, he’s going to complete it as well. And the path to true growth is not just trying harder, but by pressing deeper into the truths of God’s saving, sanctifying grace.
That’s the point of Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners by Dane Ortlund. In this book, Dane (author of Gentle and Lowly) offers a beautiful, biblical picture of what it looks like to actually grow in godliness. The teaching is incredibly practical and will leave you amazed at the wonder of God’s grace to change you.
I hope you’ll grab a copy of Deeper and use it to slay sin in your life, by God’s grace.
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