We are tempted to envy others, because they excel us, and we mourn to confess the meanness of our spirit in this matter. Also we have to lament our pride. We have nothing to be proud of; the lowest place is ours; but Lord, we often conceive ourselves to be something when we are nothing. We ask you to forgive all these vices of our nature; but at the same time kill them, for we hate ourselves to think we should fall into such evils.
Especially have mercy upon us for our unbelief. You have given us proof of your existence, and of your love to us, and of your care over us: especially by giving us your only begotten Son, the best pledge of love. And yet we acknowledge that we do doubt. Unbelief comes into the soul. We are quite ashamed of this. We could lie in the very dust to think it should be so. Lord, have mercy upon us; but also help us to be strong in faith in the future, giving glory to God.