We have tasted of the honey of communion with Jesus: we have not, perhaps, feasted upon handfuls of it, as some of our Samsons have done; but we have at least, like Jonathan, dipped the end of our rod into it, and our eyes have been enlightened, so that our hearers can see them sparkle with joy while we tell them how precious Jesus is. This gives emphasis to our testimony.
When we speak as ministers and not as men, as preachers instead of penitents, as theologians instead of disciples, we fail; when we lean our head too much upon the Commentary, and too little upon the Savior’s bosom; when we eat too largely of the tree of knowledge, and too little of the tree of life, we lose the power of our ministry. I am myself a sinner, a sinner washed in the blood, and delivered from the wrath to come by the merit of my Lord and Master—all this must be fresh upon our mind.
Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your own preaching to describe reading difficult portions of Scripture.
If you have difficulty, take it before God in prayer. Tell the great Father exactly what it is that puzzles you, and beg him by his Holy Spirit to solve the question.
If I cannot believe a statement in a book, I am glad to inquire of the author what he means by it; and if he is a true man his explanation will satisfy me; much more will the divine explanation of the hard points of Scripture satisfy the heart of the true seeker. The Lord is willing to make himself known; go to him and see if it is not so. Repair at once to your closet, and cry, “O Holy Spirit, lead me into the truth! What I do not know, teach me.”
The key to more faithful, fruitful preaching is often knowing God and loving his glory. Don’t short-cut sermon preparation by jumping right to commentaries (or copy-pasting from someone else’s manuscript 🙄) — spend unhurried time in God’s Word to know and enjoy God.
Don’t settle for manufactured “passion,” pray hard and read the Word and allow God to bring love for himself into your heart.
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Blessings to your ministry,
Doug H.
Creator of SpurgeonBooks