Pastor, preach the Bible (really, it’s what your people need)

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Let us be thoroughly well acquainted with the great doctrines of the Word of God, and let us be mighty in expounding the Scriptures. I am sure that no preaching will last so long, or build up a church so well, as the expository. To renounce altogether the hortatory discourse for the expository, would be running to a preposterous extreme; but I cannot too earnestly assure you that, if your ministries are to be lastingly useful, you must be expositors.

For this purpose, you must understand the Word yourselves, and be able so to comment upon it that the people may be built up by the Word. Be masters of your Bibles, brethren; whatever other works you have not searched, be at home with the writings of the prophets and apostles. “Let the Word of God dwell in you richly.”


Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your own preaching to describe the foolishness of salvation by works.

An old preacher says, “A silly servant who is bidden to open a door, sets his shoulder to it and pushes with all his might; but the door stirs not, and he cannot enter, use what strength he may. Another comes with a key, and easily unlocks the door, and enters right readily. Those who would be saved by works are pushing at heaven’s gate without result; but faith is the key which opens the gate at once.”



Preach the Bible. Don’t fall prey to the temptation to preach your own thoughts. God’s Word has all of the wisdom that your people need.

And to preach the Bible, we must know the Bible. Friends, make Bible reading a priority in your life. Know God’s Word. Seek to learn new things about it. Plunge its depths and enjoy its glory. The Bible is amazing, so let’s be amazed by it.

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Blessings to your ministry,

Doug H.
Creator of SpurgeonBooks